24 Weeks!

How far along:  24 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: ugh, don’t want to get on the scale just yet.  I’ll update you on the next post. 🙂

Exercise: Cardio, weights, kettle bell exercises

Maternity clothes:  Motherhood and Gap maternity.  Leggings and tank tops are the most comfortable for me.

Sleep:  I am now sleeping with the body pillow!  It does piss me off sometimes, because when I want to turn, I have to move the entire pillow to the other side, which is difficult doing under the covers.

Best moment this week:  We finally booked our wedding location in COSTA RICA!!  YAY!!

Tim’s best moment this week: “Besides working a lot, enjoying pool time and drinks while away from home.”

Miss Anything:  I miss Tim!  He left for work on June 15 and won’t be back until July 3rd.  Our condo is toooo quiet without him. 😦

Movement: Liam has earned his black belt in Karate.  Two days ago I ate BBQ sauce for the first time during the pregnancy and he went kung fu on me.  Apparently he get’s way too excited with Cattlemen’s BBQ sauce.

Food cravings: Watermelon, sandwiches, banana strawberry smoothies, and arugula chicken salads with pine nuts and cranberries.

Anything making you queasy or sick: anything made in a crockpot.  It stinks up the entire place!

Have you started to show yet: I can barely see my feet! :/  By the time I am done drowning  myself in coconut oil, I look like a greased pig.  Oink oink baby…welcome to pregnancy world.

Belly Button in or out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Ughh mostly moody!  People drive me crazy when they are too slow.  I just want to stay home, relax and not deal with anyone.

Looking forward to:  Definitely the baby shower, and also my friends and family flying in from Texas in mid July.

Difficulties: Holding my pee in is STILL NOT easy!!  Back pain is the same…unfortunately.  And going to the gym now is a bit difficult, especially after stuffing myself in workout clothes and passing all those athletic bodies.  The other day I saw myself in the mirror while working out, and  damn!  I look like a stuffed turkey….No joke.  My stomach stretched double time these past few weeks.  Just like dough for an extra large pizza!  Arggggg!

Fact: Liam is almost a foot long!  Has a full set of eyelashes and eyebrows and a good sprinkling of hair on his head.  No hair color yet..just white for now.

Liam’s 2nd Ultrasound

Ultrasound #2 is complete thanks to Tim!  You will see our little peanut moving at one point during the video so don’t miss it! Enjoy!

We also invite you to our baby pool website for a chance to be a winner!  Click on the link below and enter your guesses.

Website:  ExpectNet: Corina and Tim’s Baby Pool

Enter in game name: corinatim

22 Weeks!

How far along:  22 Weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 9 lbs the past five weeks/ Total: 17 lbs

Exercise: Cardio, weights, biking, swimming, yoga, and kettle bell exercises

Maternity clothes:  Absolutely! Leggings and dresses from Gap

Sleep:  I try to sleep on my left side, but I continue to toss and turn throughout the night.  Liam kicks me if I am on my back.

Best moment this week:  I finally felt Liam kick! 🙂 and Besides my visit back home to see the family, I am so happy to be in our new condo! More space and a nursery for Liam.

Tim’s best moment this week:  “Confirming the fact that I have a healthy wife and son.”

Have you told family and friends:  At this point, YES!

Miss Anything:  My existing wardrobe!  I’m very limited at this point.  I also miss wine and I desperately crave margaritas.  Never have before, but for some reason these are on my mind.

Movement:  I felt the first flutter on my flight to Texas! It was quick, but I was really happy to know Liam was moving in my belly!!  He now kicks every so often.  (check out some of the movement on our 2nd ultrasound)

Food cravings: Fruit Juice, chocolate, peanut butter jelly sandwiches, and watermelon

Anything making you queasy or sick: Roast beef

Have you started to show yet: definitely

Belly Button in or out? still in

Happy or Moody most of the time:  A combination of both.  Moody- I can’t stand traffic on my way to work in the morning and afternoon.  Music that is played over and over on the radio drives me crazy.  When I am home on the couch…I am REALLY happy. 🙂

Looking forward to:  The baby shower in July!  Also, booking our wedding location next week!

Difficulties: I have HORRIBLE back pain, especially on my left side.  Holding my pee in when I sneeze is NOT easy!!!

Fact: Liam is a whopping weight of 1 pound and the size of a papaya!  Eyebrows and eyelids are well developed.  He can now hear the sound of my voice, my heart beating, and whoosh-whoosh of my blood circulating through my body.