“Ahoy It’s A Boy!”

Ahoy it’s a Boy, and his name is Jace T. Mitchell!  Who were the masterminds of this awesome baby shower?  The best cousins ever!  I always refer to them as my sisters.  They put together such a sweet shower for me and I’m so thankful for it, especially since I wasn’t going to have one for Jace.  This too, shall go in a memory album someday.  I am also grateful to all my close friends who could make it.  I even had a childhood friend show up who I haven’t seen in years!!!  You know who you are…Lile. lol  So good to see her and she looks just as beautiful as she did back when we were in grade school.  A few of my out-of-town Aunts showed up as well.  So awesome to have them part of this very special occasion.

   Besides this memorable event, our time spent in Texas was a blast!  I got to visit my family and Liam got to play with his cousins, Olivia and Roman.  There was something planned everyday so we were never short of fun and being bored was never an issue (photos coming soon).  Come to think of it, we were exhausted by the end of each day from all the excitement.  The only person we were missing was Tim.  Wish the hubby could have been with us, but he was hard at work in Washington and Utah.  I did share many photos with him and we continued to do face-time throughout the trip to keep him posted on all the fun stuff.  He kinda got jelly, but he was really happy that we got to spend time with the family. 🙂 So before I share our Texas trip photos with you, here are a few I snapped at the shower.  Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.  The decorations were adorable!

Gotta have a “Selfie” before arriving at the baby shower!



Liam AKA the Bait Bandit!




So cute… white powdered donuts as “Life Savers”


Apparently Liam is a Donut Bandit too!  The pic below proves it!photo-7



Goodie bags for the candy bait




My friends are all goofballs…





  My lovely cousins, Monica, Sara, and  Dina.  My Aunt Susan is in the middle holding the anchor 🙂






Jace will soon be sailing into our hearts and into our arms.  Here’s to another Mitchell adventure!!



15 Weeks…

I finally had the energy to start my week to week baby bump posts.  This pregnancy compared to my first, is completely different.  My first trimester I spent lots of time trying to take naps and gain my strength to actually do something productive.  No motivation whatsoever with baby #2.  I’m starting to feel much better now.  I’m still doing my yoga from time to time and trying to fit in a 2 mile walk everyday.   It’s been really hot in LA so the past week I’ve been a hermit.  I’m getting back into the routine again.  Here is my first baby bump photo with baby #2!

15 Weeks

 Total weight gain/loss: Gained 10 lbs total

Exercise: Mommy and Me yoga and walks around the neighborhood.  I include lunges and squats throughout the walk.

Maternity clothes: None yet!

Sleep: I am so exhausted with baby #2 compared to my first born. I go to bed at 9-9:30pm and wake up with the worst allergies ever.

Best moment this week: Getting some of my energy back.

Tim’s best moment this week: “Corina’s fatigue and irritation with me and her nausea is getting better.”

Miss Anything: That’s easy…. BOOZE

Movement: none yet.

Food cravings: besides my top fav, I’ve been throwing down lots of gold fish puffs!! Ugh, so delish and addicting.  Just as good as Cheeto Puffs!  Lots of cold watermelon (I can eat a whole one in a day), pineapple, cupcakes, ruffles with french onion dip, and bacon.

Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of anything cooked in a crockpot. Yuck.

Have you started to show yet: big and fast.

Belly Button in or out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: Most of the time I try to keep my patience with a toddler running around.  My hormones kick in every now and then, but then I pull myself together after the scream. Haha!

Looking forward to: Getting a new car!!! We need a bigger automobile to fit two munchkins.  My current sports car is the size of a peanut.  It’s annoying.

Difficulties: Very very tired by the end of the day.  Sometimes I lose my energy around 10am.  It sucks.  Allergies- sneezing and stuffy nose.  I am also finding it difficult to give Liam baths.  Usually Tim is around after work to takeover.  It’s helps tremendously.

Fun Fact: Baby #2 is about 4 inches long and weighs about 2.5 ounces.

Baby #2!!!

We are SOOO EXCITED to announce that we are expecting baby #2 on November 13, 2014!!!  The Mitchell family is growing, which means we have a lot of changes coming up.  New car, new place, new stroller… these are just a few from our to-do list.   I’m so thankful for everything and can’t wait for more of the Mitchell adventures.

Oh, and weekly postings are back!




Liam at 11 Months

Taken On: 9/14/2013

11 Months

Weighing in at: 19.2 lbs

Length: 29 1/2 inches (ish)

Favorite Food: He still likes his AR Enfamil in the mornings.  Breakfast- oatmeal, bananas, peaches, and yogurt.  Lunch- turkey, potatoes, avocado, and peaches. Dinner- turkey or chicken, sweet potato, carrots.  Snacks- graham crackers and mum mums. What’s new? garbanzo beans and peaches.

Words: Mama, dada, and cookie (our dog).

Nicknames: My love muffin and love buggy bug.

Liam’s 3 Top Picks: My First 100 Words Book, Skip Hop Zoo Straw Bottle, Baby First TV

Baby Got Skills:   Liam is now walking all the time!  He claps his hands when mommy and daddy clap or when we sing patty cake.  He points to things and talks gibberish (he does this a lot when he looks at his books).  He says cookie along with mama and dada.  He drinks from a straw and sippy cup (sometimes while walking).  He can also spot and pick up the smallest little things on the floor.

Enjoys:  reading time, walking, going for strolls outside with cookie, likes putting his hands in the doggy bowl (we’ve caught him a few times with dog food in his mouth!), he loves to dance and watch Baby First TV.  He’s obsessed with their signature song.

Liam at 10 Months

Taken On: 8/13/2013

10 Months

Weighing in at: 18.8 lbs

Length: 29 1/4 inches

Favorite Food: Not too much A.R. Enfamil now.  Our little munchkin really enjoys the homemade food that  mommy and daddy make.  Right now, he really likes chicken, strawberries, peaches, and still loves those sweet potatoes.  We also give him frozen watermelon cubes for his uncomfortable teething moments.

Words: Still mama, dada, and more cooing and babbling.  He does this a lot when he opens his books.

Nicknames: My little love buggy bug, love bug, munchkin, and Bulldog one zero.  Tim gave Liam this nickname because he crawls like a bulldog. And the one zero stands for 10 months.  Good one Tim!

Liam’s 3 Top Picks: Hardcover books, wooden alphabet blocks, and his FunKeys

Baby Got Skills:   Liam has reached a total of 12 steps!!  He’s moving quick and we can’t keep up.  He holds onto his toys and other objects around the house.  He likes to play tug-a-war sometimes.  He claps his hands and pulls himself up on furniture, stands up alone,  picks up very small objects, and drinks his sippy cup solo.  Annnd he loves to open drawers!!  Especially the the draw in the kitchen that has all the zip lock bags.  Those always end up on the floor.

Enjoys: Sneaking up the stairs, playing tug-a-war with Cookie and her toy rope, being outside, splashing in the water, playing in the kitchen- as soon as he hears us open the dishwasher he comes bulldoging in and hangs out on the rack.  Not sure why, but he loves it!

Liam at 9 Months

Taken On: 7/31/2013

( At 9 1/2 months)


Weighing in at: 18.7lbs

Length: 28 1/2 inches

Favorite Food: A.R. Enfamil and homemade sweet potatoes, ground chicken, potatoes, pears, blueberries, watermelon cubes, zucchini, broccoli, mum mums,

Words: Dadda and Mamma.  Lots of cooing too!  For monkey he says, “kee”

Nicknames: love buggy bug, love bug, munchkin

Liam’s 3 Top Picks: cold ice cubes tied in a small cloth, Banana Mum Mum’s, remote controls

Baby Got Skills:   At 9 1/2 months baby Liam took his first 2 steps!!  He can stand on his own, pull up to a standing position, sit, take a couple of steps, holds onto objects, clap hands, drink from sippy cup, say mamma and dada, pick up objects, open and close drawers, play tug a war.

Enjoys: Climbing into suitcases…still, loves watching Baby 1st TV, banging toys or remotes on our coffee table, crawling everywhere, standing on his own, pool time, sneaking up the stairs, and sticking his hand in the doggy bowl.

Liam at 8 Months

Taken On: 6/13/2013


Weighing in at: 17.09lbs

Length: 28 1/2 inches

Favorite Food: A.R. Enfamil and homemade sweet potatoes, green beans, ground turkey, and asparagus.  He is also loving the organic Baby Mum Mums, which are genius!

Words: Daddy, Mamma, and gibberish.  He likes to look at his toys and babble away.

Nicknames: My nickname to him is my “lovey dovey love buggy bug” (i know it’s weird)  Tim calls him “quit”  ALOT because he’s all over the place: slapping, chewing on stuff, pulling Tim’s hair, knocking down glasses, etc.

Liam’s 3 Top Picks: Cold metal spoon, Musical Activity Walker, Bright Starts Having a Ball Giggables

Baby Got Skills:   Liam does not like to lay down anymore.  He flips in a second and starts moving.  He loves to stand and walk using his activity walker or walk/cruise holding onto furniture, he rakes up the smallest objects he can find and pinches it with his fingers, he can sit up on his own,  he plays tug-a-war with cookie using her rope.  I also saw him stand alone for about 20 seconds not holding onto anything.  He’s a brave little guy…and strong.

Enjoys: Pool time, still loves to dance,  smile,  walk, and bite on cords and tags.  He especially loves to climb on anything he can get his hands on, e.g. my suitcase and cardboard boxes.

Pool Day with Baby Liam

This was Liam’s first time in the pool!  We had been waiting weeks for Tim to get home from work so that we can enjoy this sunny weather the right way.  The few days before he arrived I stocked up on baby swimmers, sunblock, swim trunks, and a baby float with canopy.  We were stoked!  Every day before Tim got home, I would take baby Liam to the pool to put his feet in.  He loved it so much I just knew he wanted to jump in and splash around.  Well, he got to finally experience the water when his daddy got home.  It was a short pool day, but definitely worth the wait.

We wait….

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FINALLY!!  It’s pool day!

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Liam at 7 Months

Taken On:  5/17/13

7 Months

Weighing in at: 17lbs

Length: 28 inches

Favorite Food: A.R. Enfamil and homemade Applesauce, Bananas, Peas, Sweet Potato, Peaches, and Green Beans

Words: Da Da was his first word this month!  He still talks gibberish.  He still smiles, giggles, cries, and screams. lol

Nicknames: GI Joe (he moves like a crawling soldier), Love Bug

Liam’s 3 Top Picks: Baby Mum Mums, Shoe laces, Tommee Tippee Sippy Cups

Baby Got Skills:   Liam holds and eats his mum mums, always smiling and babbling, says dada mama, picks himself up to sit, grabs toys and any other objects in front of him, crawls to couch and lifts himself up, stands with one hand, moves his feet to walk holding onto is walker.

Enjoys: Standing up on his own, he loves to poke at Cookie, and he really enjoys dancing in your arms